Find the First Unique Element in a Stream of Characters at any Given Point

Find the First Unique Element in a Stream of Characters at any Given Point

Problem Statement: Find the first unique element in a stream of characters at any given point.

Input:  a b c d a b c
Output: a a a a b c d

This competitive coding challenge was asked in the Flipkart SDE coding interview round.


The most efficient solution to this problem is to solve it with the doubly linked list.

You can use any programming language like C/C++, Python, Java, etc to solve this coding question.

Here is the Python code to solve this problem. I have added precise comments describing each line.

Python code:

# Find the first unique element in a stream of characters 
# at any given point.


def find_first_unique_char(msg):

    # charDLL is doubly linked list.
    # if x is present in DLL, charDLL[x] contains pointer to a DLL node. 
    # If x is not present in DLL, then charDLL[x] is NULL
    charDLL = [] * MAX_CHAR_SIZE

	# repeated is the list of boolean values.
    # Here, repeated[x] is true if x is repeated two or more times. 
    # Else, False
    repeated = [False] * MAX_CHAR_SIZE

    out = ""
    for i in range(len(msg)):
        ch = msg[i]

        # We process this character only if it has nomat occurred
        # or occurred only once. repeated[x] is true if x is
        # repeated twice or more.
        if not repeated[ord(ch)]:

            # If the character is not in charDLL, then add this
            # at the end of DLL
            if not ch in charDLL:
                repeated[ord(ch)] = True

        if len(charDLL) != 0:
            out += charDLL[0]

    return out

msgs = ["abcdabc", "csestacklearnprogrammingpracticaly"]
for msg in msgs:
    print("\nInput string:")
    print("Output string:")
    out = find_first_unique_char(msg)


Input string:
Output string:

Input string:
Output string:

Try giving different input by covering all the corner cases.

The code is self-explanatory with the comments I have added. If you still have any doubts, let’s discuss them in the comment section below.

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