Author: Aniruddha Chaudhari


Python Numeric Data Types | Detail Guide with Examples

What are the Python numeric data types? The difference between int and long. Their range of values. Why is boolean not the main data type in Python?


How to Program Python to check type of variable? | float or int or string or class

2 method in Python to check type of variable: 1) Using isinstance() function and 2) Using type() function. For any variable like float or int or string…


[Complete Code] GUI Calculator in Python using PyQT4

Complete code for GUI Calculator in Python using PyQT4 (Step by step explanation guide in detail)


5 Steps for Getting Started with Python 3 | Beginners Guide

Easiest steps to getting started with Python: Download and Install Python, Set Environment Variable, Compile and Run Python Program.


How to Run Bash Script from Any Directory [Step-by-Step Commands]

How to run bash script from any directory? Easiest commands to write and execute shell script to automate the daily task on Unix/Linux.


Python yield vs return Explained in Detail with Examples

How does yield Statement work in Python? Difference- Python yield vs return. Python yield Examples. When to use of Yield statement over return?


Step by Step Java Environment Variables Setup [JDK Installation Guide]

To run Java application, there is Java development Kit(JDK). In this post, I share complete JDK installation guide and we see how to set path in Java.


3 Major use of NULL Pointer in C Programming | What does actually NULL means?

What is a NULL pointer? Why do we need a NULL pointer? What is the use of NULL pointer in C? Usage of a NULL pointer in various Programming Languages…

python list

5 Major Difference Between List and Tuple in Python

What is the difference between tuple and list in Python? Why is tuple immutable and list mutable? Where to use Tuple and List?