4 Core Android Building Blocks and Component | Application Examples
Core Android building blocks- Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver and Content Provider explained with example. Components of Android architectures.
Core Android building blocks- Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver and Content Provider explained with example. Components of Android architectures.
What is JDBC API? JDBC connection in Java with MySQL explained with code. How to connect MySQL from Java? JDBC connection properties.
What is the basic difference between public, private and protected in Java access modifiers? Explained with coding examples.
What is the major and basic difference between throw and throws in Java exception handling? Simple program example explained.
What is difference between Hashmap and Hashset in Java. Example, definition, performance and usage (when to use Hashmap and Hashset?).
Java HashSet example explained with source code. HashSet methods to add, access, remove, read elements and find size.
What is ArrayList in Java? Explained with code example. Methods to initialize, add, find length, remove, sort ArrayList object, iterate and replace.
Java HashMap example explained with code. Accessing key-value using forEach and other HashMap methods. HashMap vs Hash Table.
What is Java nested classes? Types of inner classes in java, interface explained with real-time examples and codes.