Author: Tarshal Nimawat


6 Different Types of Recursion in C Explained with Programming Example

What are the different types of recursion in C language? What is direct and indirect recursion in data structure? Explain with program example.


Types of Function in C Programming Example | Call by Value vs Call by Reference

What are the different types of function in C/C++? What is the difference between call by value and call by reference? Explain with programming examples.


Difference Between do, do-while and for loop | Syntax and Coding Example

Explain while, do-while and for loop in C/C++ with programming examples and coding syntax. What is the difference between while, do-while and for loop in C?


9 Basic, Derived and User Defined Data Types in C Explained with Example

[Explained with example] What are the different basic, derived and user defined data types in C programming? What are the range of signed and unsigned int and char?

cpp oops

5 Types of Inheritance in C++ | Detail Explained with Program

What are the different types of inheritance in c++? Difference between Multilevel vs multiple inheritances explained with the program.

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