Divide and Multiply a number by Two using Bitwise Operator (Without ‘*’, ‘/’)
Write a C/C++ program to divide or multiply a number by two using bitwise operator? Solve it without ‘/’ and ‘*’.
Write a C/C++ program to divide or multiply a number by two using bitwise operator? Solve it without ‘/’ and ‘*’.
Write a program to find the nth bit of number? Check if the ith bit is set or not using bit masking.
Write a C/C++ program to count the number of set bits. Find total set bits.
Write a C++ Program to check odd or even number without using modulo operator. Use logical AND operator to find out odd and even number.
How to find the lexicographically smallest and largest substring? Write a program to sort the sub-strings in lexicographical order in Java and Python.
[Python/Java Program] Write a program to find the maximum sum of hourglass in matrix. How to find the sum of hourglass in matrix?
How to install Android Studio and build first android app? Simple calculator in android studio source code in linear layout.