
Oracle Interview Questions for Python Developer IDC for 5 Years Experienced

Oracle interview questions for Python developer for an experienced candidate for India development center (IDC) with answers.


[Step-by-step] How to Create Virtual Environment in Python 3?

[Step-by-step commands] How to create and activate the virtual environment in Python 3 for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Binary Tree

[Solved] Find Lowest Common Ancestor in the Binary Tree

How to find and print the lowest common ancestor in the binary tree? Algorithm, complexity, example and program explained in Python, C/C++ and Java code.

Binary Tree

[Solved] Print All Ancestors of a Given Node in the Binary Tree

How to find all ancestors of the given nodes in Binary Tree? Program solved and explained in C/C++, Python, Java.


Level Order Traversal in Binary Tree | Explained with Code and Example

Program for level order traversal in binary tree solved in Python, C/C++ and Java. Explained with example and complexity.


Program to Find the Height of the Binary Tree using Recursion

How to write a program to find the height of the binary tree using recursion? Solved in Python, C/C++ and Java code.

coding challenge

[Solved] Reverse String Without Affecting Special Characters

How to reverse string without affecting special characters in Python, C/C++ and Java? Not changing the position of the special characters.

coding challenge

[Solved] Number Patterns and Finding the Possible Smallest Numeric Value

[Solved] Number Patterns and Fining the Possible Smallest Numeric Value. Solution in C/C++/Python /Python.


21 Krazybee Interview Questions and Answers for Developer/Project Lead

Krazybee interview questions and answers asked for developer and Python project lead. FinTech startup job in Banglore, India.