
440+ Companies Pay 12 LPA (& more) for SDE Fresher in India

List of companies that offer 12LPA (& more) for SDE Fresher role in India 2023. How to get 12 lakh package as a fresher?


Google vs Amazon Salary Comparison in India

What is the salary of SDE1, SDE2 and SDE3 at Google and Amazon? What is the salary of freshers, principal and staff software engineers?


C++ or Python | Which Programming Language Deserves More Praise?

What is Differences Between C++ And Python? Advantages Of Python and CPP. Use of programming language.


Java Array | Declaration, Initialization, Example Code

Java Array | Introduction, Declaration and Initialization explained with coding example. Advantages and disadvantages of Java array.


Django Signals Example with Code

Django signals example explained with the events like post_save, pre_save, post_delete, pre_delete, etc. Complete code.

Linked List

Linked List in Java | Explained with Coding Example

Linked List in Java | Create, add and remove element in Java code. Explained with program and coding examples.

interview questions

SQL Query Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

Most common SQL query interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced.

coding challenge

Longest Contiguous Sequence of URLs in Browsing Histories | Indeed Interview

[Coding challenge] Longest Contiguous Sequence of URLs in Browsing Histories. Indeed Interview question.


How to Add Input Tags in Django Form using Bootstrap+jQuery?

How to add Input Tags in Django form using Bootstrap+jQuery? Complete code explained with example.