web development

Is Web Development a Good Career?

Why web development is a good career in 2022 and in future? Is web development a good career?


How to indent First/All Line of Paragraph in HTML and CSS?

How to indent first line of paragraph in HTML and CSS? HTML Indent Paragraph All lines. The text-indent property for paragraph.


How to Render Django Form Layout Manually using Widget Tweaks?

[Complete tutorial] How to render Django form layout using Widget Tweaks? Explained with Django-widget-tweaks example.

coding design

Treebo Hotels Design Coding Interview Question for PSE

What is the question asked in Treebo Hotels design coding interview? Career opportunity was for PSE position and experienced candidate.


Hide/Show Password using Eye icon in HTML and JavaScript

How to hide and show password using eye icon in html and JavaScript? Toggle password on Click with visibility eye.


How to Display Messages after Form Submit in Django and Bootstrap?

Simple steps to display messages after form submit in Django and Bootstrap? Show success and error message on submission.


[FREE] How to Deploy Django on PythonAnywhere | FREE Hosting

[FREE] How to deploy django on pythonanywhere? Upload and host your Django project from GitHub to make it online.


9 Difference between MySQL and MongoDB

What is the difference between MySQL and MongoDB? MongoDB vs MySQL in tabular form.


9 Difference between SQL and NoSQL | Example, Use, Advantages

What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL database/DBMS? Advantages explained with example. Which one to use?