What is GitOps | Advantages over DevOps
What is GitOps? GitOps vs DevOps – Difference between two. Advantages and principles.
What is GitOps? GitOps vs DevOps – Difference between two. Advantages and principles.
What are the best and popular DevOps tools for beginners? Container, orchestration tools for CICD.
What is the importance of DevOps process? Why DevOps? What’s its matter and popular?
Write a program to find out maximum sum subarray. Subarray contains positive and negative integers. Complexity of Kaden’s Algorithm.
What are the major and recent trends in machine learning and in future? Complete analysis.
How to write a program to check odious number in Java, Python and C/C++. Explained with algorithm and examples.
How to create Django SignUp Registration Form with database? Add extended fields to Django model, form and view. Example explained.
Write Java program to sort the string according to the frequency of character? Solved in C/C++, Java and Python.
Why to learn machine learning as career? What are the requirements for machine learning?