
Write a C Program to Implement Stack using Array

The stack can be implemented using array. Stack using array is the easiest way to understand, how stack actual work and Operations to be performed on Stack using array.


Write C/C++ Program to Reverse a Linked List without Recursion?

Write a C/C++ Program to Reverse a Linked List. Reverse the singly Linked List elements with or without recursion. Time Complexity explained in detail.


IBM ISDL Interview Questions and Placement Paper | On Campus

IBM ISDL interview questions and answers. IBM On-Campus Placement paper and written test. How to prepare for IBM research lab interview?


[Program] How to Check if Two Strings are Anagrams in C?

What is Anagram of the string? Write a program to check if two strings are anagrams in C? Complete code explained with examples.


Recommended GATE Books for CSE | Get Excel in Computer Science

All the questions are more likely to be taken/referred from standard books. Here is the list of recommended GATE books for CSE that you must have.

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Coupon Dunia Interview Questions and Placement Paper

What are the Coupon Dunia Interview Questions? Written test. Placement paper. There were 3 rounds. Online Coding Round on hacker rank (90 minutes).


Numerify Interview Questions and Answers | Online Test

Numerify Interview Questions and Answers shared by Candidate for Java developer profile. Coding test, offline assignment and HR questions.


25+ Factset Interview Questions and Placement Paper

I am sharing Factset Interview Questions and my experience about Factset placement. Total 4 Rounds: 1st Written, 2 technical rounds, 4th The HR Interview.


Write a C Program to Check if Array is Sorted

Write a C Program to check if array is sorted. How to check if the array is sorted using C code? Explained with the example in detail.