[6 Steps] Build Your First Calculator App in Android Studio

[6 Steps] Build Your First Calculator App in Android Studio

[6 Steps] Build Your First Calculator App in Android Studio

Do you want to learn and develop your first Android App?

Don’t worry. Building a basic Android app is not as difficult as it was earlier. There are a lot of tools and development kit available which makes development easy.

Here, I’m sharing my experience developing my first Android App from scratch.

Just don’t read this article. I want it to be more practical. If you follow all the steps, at the end of this tutorial, you will develop your own android app as below.

This tutorial is for beginners so I will cover all required details.

1. Prerequisite to Build First Android App

What is a Prerequisite for learning Android App?

For developing any basic Android app, basically you need JAVA, XML and KOTLIN to a certain extent.

You must have basic knowledge about the programming languages used for developing mobile applications.

Learn basic Java Programming.

You don’t have to be an expert in Java. Basic knowledge is enough for now.

Not its time to set the development environment.

2. Install JAVA JDK

Before starting any project in android development, you must have JAVA JDK installed on your local computer system.

You have to download the JAVA SDK software, install it and then set the environment variable path.

If you don’t have it installed, follow the steps to install Java SDK.

Once you are done with JAVA JDK then go for the installation of Android Studio.

3. Install and Configure Android Studio

Android Studio is available for Windows, Linux and Mac and Chrome OS. Choose based on your system and configuration.

Follow below steps:

  • Visit the official website to download Android Studio.
  • Click on the ‘DOWNLOAD ANDROID STUDIO’ button.
  • By ticking on the checkbox, you agree with their terms and conditions. Now click on ‘DOWNLOAD ANDROID STUDIO FOR WINDOWS’.
    It makes some time to download the Android Studio based on your internet speed.
  • Once downloaded, install it like any other software. It’s simple.

Note: If you don’t understand any setting while installation, just keep doing “Next” without customizing anything. Keep all the default setting.


You are all set to develop your first Android app and make wonders 🙂

4. Create Your First Android App- Calculator

Follow this step-by-step guide to develop your first Android application.

  • Open Android Studio which you installed.
  • For creating your first project click on ‘Start a new Android Studio project’.
  • Give a suitable name for your project. You can give any name.
  • Select programming language as JAVA (I’m not selecting KOTLIN. If you know the KOTLIN, you can choose that.)
  • Select ‘Empty Activity’.
  • Now click on ‘Allow access’.

That’s all!

Now you are ready to write your code and develop what you want to see in your first Android project.

You will be able to see two files with extension (.xml )and (.java).

Code written in XML is responsible for the Front end (User Interface) and the Code written in JAVA is responsible for backend functionalities.

Here’ I’m developing Basic Calculator as my first project.

5. Simple calculator in Android Studio Source Code

There are two things- developing UI (front-end) and functionality (back-end).

XML Code | Creating Front-End of Calculator App

Let’s see the XML code first.

Open file activity_main.xml in your Android Studio and add below lines of code.

You can find this file at the given location in Android studio.


XML Code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


android:hint="Number 1"/>

android:hint="Number 2"/>



android:text="ADD "





Code Explanation:

Similar to HTML there are tags in XML. Lets check all the XML tags we used in our code.

These tags are used to create multiple entities to display on the screen. It is similar to the HTML tags we used to display the entities on the web pages.

1. How to take user input using Edit Text component?

This tag is used to take the user input.

You can add pretext (hint) in the edit field text bar. Users can rewrite over it when the app is working.

This user input data is used by app to process and manipulate the data.

2. How to set Text View component?

If you want to write something on the app screen then you can do so inside the Text view. It is similar to creating labels on the screen.

You can set the text view size. It is generally given in ‘SP’

3. How to create button in Android App?

When we have to provide any button in an app then this tag is used.

The ‘ADD’ , ‘SUBSTRACT’, etc all are buttons.

4. What is Wrap_Content?

Sometime, the data in the view exceed the screen size.

It is basically used when you need to wrap the button or text when size of it exceeds the height or width. It wraps the widget.

5. android:id

Every button, text and edit view has given unique ID.



This is the id I have given to Text ‘Result’.

Java Code | Creating Back-end for Calculator App

Now let’s see the JAVA code.

Open file MainActivity.java in your Android Studio and add below lines of code.

You can find this file at the given file path in Android studio.


Java Code

package com.example.myapplication1;

import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  private Button op, btn,l,abc;
  EditText num1, num2;
  TextView res;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    op = findViewById(R.id.jh);
    num1 = findViewById(R.id.war);
    num2 = findViewById(R.id.car);
    res = findViewById(R.id.home);
    btn = findViewById(R.id.RASCAL);

    op.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View v) {
        int n1, n2, result;
        n1 = Integer.parseInt(num1.getText().toString());
        n2 = Integer.parseInt(num2.getText().toString());
        result = Math.abs(n1 – n2);

    btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View v) {
        int n1, n2, result;
        n1 = Integer.parseInt(num1.getText().toString());
        n2 = Integer.parseInt(num2.getText().toString());
        result = Math.abs(n1 + n2);

    l.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View v) {
        int n1, n2, result;
        n1 = Integer.parseInt(num1.getText().toString());
        n2 = Integer.parseInt(num2.getText().toString());
        result = Math.abs(n1 * n2);

    abc.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View v) {
        int n1, n2, result;
        n1 = Integer.parseInt(num1.getText().toString());
        n2 = Integer.parseInt(num2.getText().toString());
        result = Math.abs(n1 / n2);

When user click on any of the calculator button…

  • The application reads the data from the edit text.
  • It performs a mathematical operation based on the button you click.
  • The result is set as a text view to display on the screen.

In this code, we used very basic arithmetic functions from Java.

It’s time to run you first Android app.

6. Execute and Run Android App

You don’t need actual mobile to run and test your mobile application. You can use Android mobile simulator in studio

Follow given steps.

  • Right click on MainActivity.java.
  • Click on “Run ‘MainActivity'”
  • Select the virtual device that you have installed in your Android studio.

If there is no error, you can see the Calculator app running in virtual Android mobile.

If your app UI looks good as per the expectation, there is no issue with the front-end and XML code.

Now check the functionality.

Try clicking on various buttons and test if everything is working fine. Check if you are getting all expected results from the calculator app. If you find any wrong answer, check your Java code.

Wow! You have created your own app.

Isn’t it simple to build first android app?

If you have any questions or issues while developing your first Android app, let me know in the commend.

In the next tutorial, we are going to learn about Android navigation where you can navigate from one screen to another.

All the best!

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