

How to Get Python List all Files in Directory with Extension?

Write a program to get the Python list all files in directory with extension? Using listdir() from OS module.

coding challenge

Maximum Average Sum of Two Subsequences of Array

Write a program to find the Maximum Average Sum of Two Subsequences of Array? Coding challenge to solve in C/C++, Java and Python.


Remove Scrollbar in Textarea and Auto-adjust Height (Resizing)

How to Remove Scrollbar in Textarea and auto resize?

bit manipulation

Divide and Multiply a number by Two using Bitwise Operator (Without ‘*’, ‘/’)

Write a C/C++ program to divide or multiply a number by two using bitwise operator? Solve it without ‘/’ and ‘*’.


C++ Program to Find the nth Bit of Number (Bit Masking)

Write a program to find the nth bit of number? Check if the ith bit is set or not using bit masking.

C++ Program to Count the Number of Set Bits in a Number

Write a C/C++ program to count the number of set bits. Find total set bits.

bit manipulation

C++ Program to Check Odd or Even Number without using Modulo

Write a C++ Program to check odd or even number without using modulo operator. Use logical AND operator to find out odd and even number.


Write a Program to Find the Median of Array (by Sorting)

Write a program to find the median of array? C/C++, Java, Python code explained with array example.


Write a Program to Find the Transpose of a Matrix

Write a program to find the transpose of a matrix in C/C++, Java and Python. Code explained with array example.