How to Get and Set Environment Variable in Python?
How to get and set environment variable in Python? Setting environment variable from file using getenv() and environ() methods from os module.
How to get and set environment variable in Python? Setting environment variable from file using getenv() and environ() methods from os module.
What is perfect number and how to check it using in C++, Java, Python? Write a program to find and print all perfect numbers in the given range.
[Python Program] How to get the file size in Python? Read file size in bytes and human readable format. How to check if the file is empty or zero sized?
What is the difference Between index() and find() in Python? How to search sub string in Python string? ValueError: substring not found.
Python Interview Questions and Answers Asked in Product Based Companies. How to crack Python interview?
Find how many minimum arrows required to burst balloons? Shooting arrows from left to right direction. If arrow hits balloon at height x, trajectory of arrow decreases by 1.
How to find the lexicographically smallest and largest substring? Write a program to sort the sub-strings in lexicographical order in Java and Python.
How to compare two lists in Python? Using lambda function, sort(), set() method to check if two lists are equal and have same elements.
How to use CSS to add image box shadow at Bottom, Top, Right and Left? Example of different color shadow and tricks.