
coding challenge

[Solved] Hailstone Sequence in Python (With or Without Recursion)

[Solved] Hailstone Sequence in Python with and without recursion. Find the Maximum Length of Hailstone Sequence for the Range of Given Numbers.


[4 Steps] Create User Defined Exception in Python with Example

How to create user defined exception in python? Write steps involved in creation of a user defined exception.


7 Basic Difference between throw and throws in Java | Example

What is the major and basic difference between throw and throws in Java exception handling? Simple program example explained.


8 Difference between HashMap and HashSet in Java | Examples

What is difference between Hashmap and Hashset in Java. Example, definition, performance and usage (when to use Hashmap and Hashset?).


Java HashSet Example| Methods Explained with Code

Java HashSet example explained with source code. HashSet methods to add, access, remove, read elements and find size.

Difference Between C and OOPs Languages (C++/C#/Python)

What is the difference between c and oops programming languages like C++, C# and Python? Object oriented programming with example.


Tower of Hanoi Puzzle | Example, Number of Moves

Tower of Hanoi puzzle in data structure explained with algorithm and Python program. Minimum number of disk moves.

bit manipulation

6 Bitwise Operators in Python | Coding Example

What are the Bitwise operators in Python – AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Right Shift and Left Shift? Performing bitwise operations explained with example and code.


ArrayList in Java| Example, Methods (Add, Remove Iterate, Sort)

What is ArrayList in Java? Explained with code example. Methods to initialize, add, find length, remove, sort ArrayList object, iterate and replace.