
coding challenge

Minimum Cost to Paint all Houses with No Adjacent Houses have Same Color

Write a program to find the minimum cost to paint all houses in Python. Interview coding question asked in Amazon.


One-Line HTML Code to Add Favicon for Your Website

How to add favicon for website? HTML code for favicon image.


How to Get Python List all Files in Directory with Extension?

Write a program to get the Python list all files in directory with extension? Using listdir() from OS module.

coding challenge

Maximum Average Sum of Two Subsequences of Array

Write a program to find the Maximum Average Sum of Two Subsequences of Array? Coding challenge to solve in C/C++, Java and Python.


Remove Scrollbar in Textarea and Auto-adjust Height (Resizing)

How to Remove Scrollbar in Textarea and auto resize?

bit manipulation

Divide and Multiply a number by Two using Bitwise Operator (Without ‘*’, ‘/’)

Write a C/C++ program to divide or multiply a number by two using bitwise operator? Solve it without ‘/’ and ‘*’.


C++ Program to Find the nth Bit of Number (Bit Masking)

Write a program to find the nth bit of number? Check if the ith bit is set or not using bit masking.

C++ Program to Count the Number of Set Bits in a Number

Write a C/C++ program to count the number of set bits. Find total set bits.

bit manipulation

C++ Program to Check Odd or Even Number without using Modulo

Write a C++ Program to check odd or even number without using modulo operator. Use logical AND operator to find out odd and even number.