

Python Program to Reverse Each Word in The String / Sentence

How to Python program to reverse each word in the string or Sentence? One single line code to reverse words in sentence using Python.


Sort Tuple List by First and Second Element in Python

How to sort tuple list by second element in Python? Sort list values by ascending and descending order.

coding challenge

Maximum Sum of Hourglass in Matrix | Solved in Java, Python

[Python/Java Program] Write a program to find the maximum sum of hourglass in matrix. How to find the sum of hourglass in matrix?


How to Uninstall all Packages from Virtualenv Using Pip?

Steps to uninstall all packages from virtualenv using pip tool. Remove python modules and dependencies from virtual environment.

coding challenge

[Solved] Sort Characters by Frequency in Python String

How to sort characters by frequency in Python program using sorted() function. Sort string
based on the number of times characters have occurred.


Insertion Sort in Python Using List and String

Complete code for insertion sort in Python using list. Algorithm explained with example. Sort Python string using insertion sort.

Python Space Invaders Game

Python Space Invaders Game | Project Source Code

Create Space Invaders Game using Python pygame module. The game should display the live score in the same window. Project source code and screenshots included.


45+ Mini Python Project Ideas for College Students | Topics List

What are the Interesting mini Python project ideas for students. Python Project topics for Web Scraping, Developing Web Applications and Game.


How to check the SQLite version used by Python?

How to check SQLite version used by Python? Command to check SQLite version.