
coding challenge

35+ Competitive Coding Questions with Solutions | asked in Interviews

Competitive coding questions with solutions asked in Interviews 2022 for product based companies. Coding challenges are solved in programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python…


How to Convert List of Tuples to Dictionary Python?

Write a program to convert list of tuples to dictionary Python?


Node.js vs Python | Which Backend Technology to Select

Node.js vs Python. Which is the best backend programming language to use considering syntax, performance and library support


How to Convert String Representation of List to List in Python?

Simplest way to convert string representation of list to list in Python using split(), json.loads() and ast.literal_eval().

coding challenge

Minimum Cost to Paint all Houses with No Adjacent Houses have Same Color

Write a program to find the minimum cost to paint all houses in Python. Interview coding question asked in Amazon.


How to Get Python List all Files in Directory with Extension?

Write a program to get the Python list all files in directory with extension? Using listdir() from OS module.

coding challenge

Maximum Average Sum of Two Subsequences of Array

Write a program to find the Maximum Average Sum of Two Subsequences of Array? Coding challenge to solve in C/C++, Java and Python.


Second Largest/Smallest Number in Array in C/C++, Java and Python

Write a program to find the second smallest number in array in C/C++, Java and Python. Second largest element in list.


Find the Smallest and Largest Number in Array in C/C++, Java and Python

Write a program to find the smallest and largest number in the array. Code written in C/C++, Java and Python.