CSE Subject


Big Data Growth Mind-blowing Fact | Why is Everyone talking about it?

What is the reason behind Big Data Growth fact? According to the research, what are the terms that define the big data revolution?


Select SQL Command | Aggregate Functions with Example

Select SQL commands syntax and example explained with different filters like ‘where’, ‘group by’, ‘having clause’ and ‘order by’ clause in MySQL database.


Storage Classes in C and C++ | Explained with Example

Every datatype has storage classes in C and C++ that defines scope and visibility of variables. Here are different types of storage classes with example.

Construct DFA | Number of a is Odd & Number of b is Not Divisible by 3

Construct DFA for a string which has a total number of ‘a’ is odd. Construct DFA for a string which has a total number of ‘b’ is not divisible by 3.


7 Difference Between Process and Thread in Operating System

Biggest misconception over the difference between process and thread in operating system. What is the purpose of thread in the real world? What is multi-threading in OS?


ACID Properties in DBMS with Examples

What are ACID properties in DBMS with examples (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability)? How is it related to database transaction processing?


SOAP Protocol in Web Services and it’s Characteristics

What is SOAP protocol in web services and its alternatives? Most of the web services use SOAP APIs for its special characteristics.


REST API Architecture | Common Misconceptions About Everything

What are the Characteristics of REST API Architecture? What are the Misconceptions about it? What are the Career opportunities in RESTFul APIs.


Top 9 Difference Between SOAP and REST Web Services

Many think SOAP is the alternative to the RESTFul APIs. Biggest misconception in everyone’s mind. So here is the difference between SOAP and REST APIs.