Importance of DevOps Process | Why it’s so Popular?

Importance of DevOps Process | Why it’s so Popular?

The rapid development of technology and the evolution of different frameworks have enabled developers to develop web apps, mobile apps, and hybrid apps faster.

So for easy maintenance and rapid development of software products without any failures, we need DevOps. In modern development, DevOps is getting more popular.

Before knowing the importance of DevOps, you should know the different methodologies used in software development.

Software Development Methodologies

There is a lot of evolution in the software development methodology so there are three popular methodologies which include Waterfall Model, Agile Model, and Lean Model.

Waterfall Model

A waterfall model is a traditional approach to software development where a product is developed step by step and one cannot revert to the previous stage if there is any change in the requirement.

The steps in the water model are Requirement analysis, System Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and maintenance.

Any new requirement from the client cannot be integrated into the existing product. But, it leads to restarting the entire project. As a result, it consumes a lot of time and is very expensive to make changes.

Agile Model

The agile model solved most of the problems faced due to the Waterfall model like allowing the team to work faster and deliver software that has dynamic requirements.

It saves a lot of developers’ time by getting early feedback from the client through prototypes.

The entire process of developing a product is broken down into small consumable works called sprints in agile. After each sprint, we give a working software/feature.

Lean Model

The Lean Model includes the lean principle which reduces the wastage of time and resources. It’s comparatively more faster and efficient than the agile model.

These methods gradually improve the speed and quality of Software delivered to the customer/user.

Importance of DevOps Process |Why DevOps?

The above method solved the problem between the company and its customers. But, DevOps solves the problem within the company. Let’s see the advantages of having the DevOps process.

Software is developed by the team which consists of

  • The developer team that develops the product with code.
  • And the operations team uploads the application onto the server after testing.

But there are many problems faced by people during this process which include the environmental differences like different processors, operating systems and versions of the Framework or programming language installed in their systems(Environment mismatch).

Let’s take an example where the company is developing a PHP application with Java as the backend and the developer has a Windows system. The PHP 6.0 and Java 7 with which he develops the application and forwards to the operations person who has Linux System with PHP 7 and Java 9.

Here the operations person needs to check the code once and push it into the cloud. But, he will be facing problems due to environment mismatch. As a result, the operations person complaints to the developer that the code is not running on his system which leads to wastage of time and resources for the organization.

The complexity of the problem increases when the size of the team and the product grows.

Summarizing the three major problems that DevOps solves:

  1. Environment Mismatch
  2. Delay in Bug report from the tester
  3. No continuous Feedback
    (There was no continuous process to track all the different kinds of bugs faced by users and found out by testers.)

What is the Role of DevOps Engineers?

These major problems were solved by DevOps which means bridging the gap between Developers and the Operations team.

It’s not a set of tools but a way of thinking on how software should be developed. Its symbol looks like infinity.

Here are the steps followed: Plan, Code, Build, Test, Release, Deploy, Operate, and monitor the software. And again come to planning the software so this acts as its lifecycle. So, let’s see how it solves the above problems.

Solution for Environment Mismatch

There is a tool in the DevOps lifecycle known as Docker. It is a lightweight container system that duplicates the environment across multiple systems.

This same problem can be solved by virtual machines but they consume a huge amount of storage compared to docker containers. So the environment remains the same solving this problem of environment mismatch.

Solution for Problem of Software Testing

Software testing is a crucial part of software development as it validates developers’ code. This problem can be solved easily with the help of automated testing which connects the Development and testing life cycle.

When the developer pushes the code in the Github using git commands, it is automatically pushed into the testing server and whatever bugs or the report will be mailed immediately to the developer.

Selenium and RPA are some of the most popular tools used in automated testing.

DevOps is a way of developing software where we use different tools to achieve DevOps lifecycle.

Solution for Lack of Continuous Feedback from the Users

If the user faces any problems or has any feedback that should be reported to the developer so that he can plan and deliver it in the next sprint. Tools such as Nagios automatically generated the logs and it is mailed to the developer so the problem faced by the user is solved.

As a result, DevOps is implemented by solving all the above problems in its methodology of developing the software. Hope it clears the importance of DevOps and why it matters.

What’s next?

Interested in DevOps engineering? Start learning popular DevOps tools.

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