9 Difference between Applet and Application in Java

9 Difference between Applet and Application in Java

In this article, I will be explaining the complete difference between Applet and Application in Java along with coding examples. Before this, let’s see the definition of Java applet and application.

What is Java Applet?

An applet is a small application that performs specific operations or functions. It is a utility program that is loaded from the webserver and executed by the web browser.

Applets are designed to be embedded within the HTML page, thereby, providing functionalities that a simple HTML page cannot provide.

What is an Application in Java?

A Java application is a standalone java program that runs on a client or server.

It is a program that runs on itself as and when the main() method of any specific class is executed. An application has a functionality that benefits the user or some other java application.

Still confused? Let’s see the differences…

Difference between Applet and Application in Java:

In other words, how is Java Applet different from Java Application?

The major differences between an applet and an application in JAVA are as follows:

Sr.No.CharacteristicJava ApplicationJava Applet
1.DefinitionAn application is a standalone Java program that can be run independently on a client/server without the need for a web browser.An applet is a form of Java program which is embedded with an HTML page and loaded by a web server to be run on a web browser.
2.main() methodThe execution of the program starts from the main() method.There is no requirement of main() method for the execution of the program.
3.Access RestrictionsThe application can access local disk files/ folders and the network system.The applet doesn’t have access to the local network files and folders.
4.GUIIt doesn’t require any Graphical User Interface (GUI).It must run within a GUI.
5.SecurityIt is a trusted application and doesn’t require much security.It requires high-security constraints as applets are untrusted.
6.Environment for ExecutionIt requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for its successful execution.It requires a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, etc for its successful execution.
7.InstallationIt is explicitly run and installed on a local system. An applet doesn’t have access to local files and so it cannot perform read and write operations on files stored on the local disk.It doesn’t require any explicit installation to be done.
8.Read/ Write OperationAn application can perform read and write operations on files stored on the local disk.An applet doesn’t have access to local files so you cannot perform read and write operations on files stored on the local disk.

Examples [Java Applet Vs Application]:

Here are examples of Java application and applet. You can test these programming codes by running them on your system.

Java Application Code Example:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String args[ ]) {
        System.out.println("Hello, Welcome to csestack.org");

Java Applet Code Example:

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Myclass extends Applet  {
     public void init() { }
     public void start() { }
     public void stop() {}
     public void destroy() {}
     public void paint(Graphics g) {}


Java Applications and Java Applets in perspective with Java are two varied types of programs that are different in function. But both have their own particular usage and magnitude.

Further Reading:

Hope this difference between Applet and Application in Java clears your doubt. If you have any questions, you can ask me by commenting below.

Happy Learning!


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