Google vs Amazon Salary Comparison in India

Google vs Amazon Salary Comparison in India

Disclaimer: Author can not guaranteed this salary figures. This information is curated after analysing different resources and salaries shared by the candidates. Use this information for your reference only.

We have seen many of the candidates get confused when they have the option to choose Amazon or Google. Or if you are an aspirant developer who wants to join Amazon or Google, here are the experiences and salaries you can expect for years of experience.

Google and Amazon both have different levels for software developers SDE1, SDE2, SDE3 and so on. (SDE: Software Developer Engineer)

Note: All the salary ranges are mentioned in the INR (Indian Rupees).

SDE 1 Salary | Amazon vs Google

SDE1 Amazon:

The experience required for the SDE1 role is 0 to 3 years. So this role is also for the freshers.

What is the salary for Amazon SDE1 / Freshers?

The salary range is 26 to 38 LPA (lakh per annum).

Also check, the Amazon interview questions shared by the candidates.

SDE1 Google:

The experience required for the SDE1 role is 0 to 6 years. So this role is also for the freshers.

What is the salary for Google SDE1 / Freshers?

The salary range is 29 to 50 LPA (lakh per annum).

Usually, for this level, Google and Amazon hire candidates from tier 1 colleges like IITs, NITs, and other top institutes.

SDE 2 Salary | Amazon vs Google

SDE2 Amazon:

Experience Range – 2 to 12 years

Salary Range – 50 to 90 LPA (lakh per annum)

Check the Amazon coding interview for SDE2.

SDE2 Google:

Experience Range – 1.5 to 10 years

Salary Range – 45 to 80 LPA (lakh per annum)

SDE 3 Salary | Amazon vs Google

SDE3 Amazon:

Experience Range – 6 to 20 years

Salary Range – 1 to 2 CPA (crore per annum)

SDE3 Google:

Experience Range – 5.5 to 18 years

Salary Range – 90 lakhs to 1.65 CPA (crore per annum)

Check the coding question asked in the Google interview.

Staff and Principal Engineer | Seniors at Google and Amazon

After SDE3 next level of position at Amazon is a principal software engineer. At Google, it is a staff software engineer followed by a senior staff software engineer followed by the principal software engineer.

At Amazon principal software band is very large it is almost the same as the principal software engineer at Google.

Principal Software Engineer at Amazon:

Experience Range – 12 to 30 years

Salary Range – 1.8 to 3 CPA (crore per anum)

Staff Software Engineer at Google:

Experience Range – 9 to 20 years

Salary Range – 1.3 to 2.5 CPA (crore per anum)

Now, you might be wondering…

What is the salary of a senior staff software engineer and principal software engineer at Google?

Due to a lack of verified information, we don’t have concrete figures for the salary of a senior staff software engineer and principal software engineer at Google. But for sure, it is more than 2.5 crore per annum.


  • All these salary figures are curated based on the salary shared by the candidates on different platforms like Indeed, AmbitionBox, and others. We also use our connections to some extent to verify the above data.
  • All the figures above are the total compensation per year engineers receive. It includes base salary, stocks/ESOPs, joining bonus, variable pay, and relocation bonus. All these options have different significance. They can not be compared just as apple to apple.

If you have any points to discuss or want to share your thoughts, let’s share them in the comment section below.

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