Tag: coding challenge

coding challenge

[Solved] Reverse String Without Affecting Special Characters

How to reverse string without affecting special characters in Python, C/C++ and Java? Not changing the position of the special characters.

coding challenge

[Solved] Number Patterns and Finding the Possible Smallest Numeric Value

[Solved] Number Patterns and Fining the Possible Smallest Numeric Value. Solution in C/C++/Python /Python.

coding challenge

[Solved] Find Two Unique Numbers from Array in O(n) Time

[Solved] How to find two unique numbers from array in O(n) time using XOR operation. Solved in Python, C/C++ and Java programming.

coding challenge

[Solved] Find Duplicate in Array in O(n) Linear Time

How to find duplicates in array in O(n) linear time. Using 1) sorting and 2) hashing. Problem solved in Python, C/C++ and Java.

coding challenge

[Solved] Group Anagrams From Given List | Coding Challenge

Coding challenge- Group Anagrams from the given list. Asked in Goldman Sachs interview. Solved in Python, C/C++ and Java.

coding challenge

Smallest Subarray with Sum Greater Than or Equal To Given Number

[Coding Challenge asked in Goldman Sachs] Smallest subarray with sum greater than given number. Solved in Python, C and Java.

coding challenge

[Coding Challenge] Special Elements in Matrix

[Solved] Competitive coding question- Special Elements in Matrix asked in Goldman Sachs coding round. Find distinct number of elements which are either minimum or maximum in row or column.

coding challenge

[Coding Challenge] Secure My Conversation by Encryption and Decryption

[Coding Challenge] Secure My Conversation by Encryption and Decryption. Python coding question asked in Goldman Sachs.

coding challenge

6 Reasons | Why Competitive Programming is Important?

Why competitive programming is important? What are the benefits of competitive programming? Competitive programming for your DREAM job.