Tag: Python


Program to Check Anagram in Python | Example

Write a Program to Check Anagram in Python with or without using sorting. Solve anagram using for loop.


Open PyCharm through Terminal as Root | Solve “Clear Read-Only Status”

How to Open PyCharm through terminal as Root in Ubuntu and Linux. Solved Clear Read-Only Status in PyCharm.

coding challenge

Count Snow Units Captured between the Hills asked in GS [Coding Challenge]

Write a program to count snow units captured between the hills? Coding challenge asked in Goldman Sachs.


[Fixed] “Failed building wheel for Pillow” in Python

[Error Fixed] Failed building wheel for Pillow. Fixed Python library installation on Ubuntu Linux.


How to Check if a Given Number is Fibonacci Number in Python?

Write a program to check if a given number is Fibonacci number in Python?


How to Get Next Element in Python List using next()?

Write a program to get Next Element in Python List using next(). Example with iterator, cycle() and next() in for-loop.


Reverse Range in Python | Print Second Element in Decreasing Order

How Reverse Range in Python? Print every second element in decreasing order from the given range in Python.


How to Convert List of Tuples to Dictionary Python?

Write a program to convert list of tuples to dictionary Python?


Node.js vs Python | Which Backend Technology to Select

Node.js vs Python. Which is the best backend programming language to use considering syntax, performance and library support