Tag: Python


[Solved] Convert Nested Dictionary into Flattened in Python

How to convert nested dictionary into flattened in Python? This questions was asked in Juniper coding interview. Algorithm and program explained.


[Solved] Find First Duplicate Character in String in Python

How to find first duplicate character in string in Python? Best way to write a program to check fist repeated character using O(n) time.


What is the Difference between r+ and w+ in Python | Example

What is the difference between r+ and w+ in Python? Create, Read, write file content with coding examples.


Event Handling in C#, Python and C | Example Explained

Event handling in C#, Python and Java. Event-drive application explained with examples.


[4 Steps] Create User Defined Exception in Python with Example

How to create user defined exception in python? Write steps involved in creation of a user defined exception.


Tower of Hanoi Puzzle | Example, Number of Moves

Tower of Hanoi puzzle in data structure explained with algorithm and Python program. Minimum number of disk moves.

bit manipulation

6 Bitwise Operators in Python | Coding Example

What are the Bitwise operators in Python – AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Right Shift and Left Shift? Performing bitwise operations explained with example and code.


Python Tricky Interview Questions and Answers

What are some Python tricky interview questions asked in coding round? Answer explained with code and examples.


Top 9 Python Applications | Why Should You Learn Python Today?

Python Applications. Advnatgebas of Python over other Programming languages. List of big companies using Python. Why should you Learn Python?