Throughout the course of Computer Science, we come across various subjects in our syllabus. We also understand that these subjects are from different specializations within Computer Science. Hence, we cannot master all of them.
But for clarification of basic concepts and to find our field of interest, it is necessary that we study some subjects very thoroughly. How does it sound if we figure out what to Study in Computer Science?
So for the beginners of computer science stream, please make sure you do justification to these subjects. Following are the subjects you must have a command on.
1. Object Oriented Programming
This is the subject that will give you the essence of the developing and coding part of your career. It is very simple to understand. You will create a foundation for yourselves in the right direction. Make sure you have your concepts extremely clear.
Read from as many sources as possible and have proper knowledge of the exceptional cases as well. Read the book on [eafl id=1268 name=”OOP with C++by Balagurusamy” text=”OOP with C++ by Balagurusamy “] thoroughly. It will be an assured great help.
You can read some of the important questions on Object Oriented Programming Concepts which asked in many software job interviews.
This subject is meant to provide strength to your foundation and give you glimpses of various approaches to coding that will simplify your code and give a new direction to your coding skills. Suffice knowledge of data structures, their implementation and their advantages is an essential stepping stone to becoming a successful developer.
[eafl id=1272 name=”Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz” text=”Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz”] (Schaum series) clears all the concepts related to data structures in a simple and fun to learn way.
3. Computer System Architecture
This is one of the few subjects that will give you a glimpse of the hardware implemented within the system. It gives the implementation of flip-flops, counters, registers etc. that we study theoretically in other subjects. It gives the closest possible glance of how each minute component of the system works.
Being a person belonging to computer science field, this is very much expected from every student.
[eafl id=1275 name=”Computer System Architecture by Morris Mano” text=”Computer System Architecture by Morris Mano”] is the most interesting book I have come across for this subject. It is simple and keeps you engrossed throughout.
4th and 5th in what to Study in Computer Science are the engineering subjects you must focus on.
4. Software Engineering and Project Management
Now that you have studied enough regarding how to code; this subject takes you to the real world of software engineering where you are told how exactly the work progresses in an enterprise.
It introduces you to various phases of software development and various considerations before and after making software that leads to a realist and beneficial project. Again, it is an essential subject to get you a grip on the industry.
5. Database Management Systems
This subject exposes you to another side of information technology and is something that is going to largely define the future. It brings into picture various advancements where instead of coding what the computer has to do, we can make computer analyze some data and choose the action to be taken. To get into the depth, this subject, which will be mostly about relational DBMS, will lay a very strong foundation.
I would recommend you to study from [eafl id=1276 name=”Fundamentals of Database Systems Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe” text=”Fundamentals of Database Systems Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe”]. It is an amazing book for clarity in concepts as well as ever-growing interest in what is coming up next with practical approaches.
If you find interest in this field, you definitely have a long way to go!
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Hope this article has helped you to take a step on, what to study in Computer Science. If you have any question, feel free to write in comment section below.
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